Monday, March 12, 2012

Back up and running!

Hi everyone! I know I haven't posted piratically anything, like seriously, in a while. At least since February 24th! Wow, how the time has flown! Anyways, I have indeed got a stash for you all to see! It is amazing how many things you get in the mail for absolutely no out of pocket expenses and everything is FREE! I know, too many exclamation points but I am just too exited to show all of you what you can get and how you can get it. Like the name says, it is my guide for you all to get to the GOOD STUFF and man is it good! I will post some URLS for freebies and samples and then I will follow up my day with a review of everything I have received since the 24th of February, get ready to get your own stash of freebies soon!

Hope you enjoy! What did you receive in your mailboxes today or whenever? Feel free to share with me and everyone!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hello great people, having a grand Friday? How many samples and freebies or other goodies did you get today? Well I got all kinds of nifty good stuff in my mail box run! It was like a small Christmas in the box :)! Let me get started!

In the picture I have things from four different places! I received a Fuel Economy Guide for 2012, a couple samples from Obestrim, a walking stick from NFB, and information from Mantis.

The information that is included in the Fuel Economy Guide is based off of the 2012 year of vehicles. I was confused when I got this because I didn't really understand that until after I started looking inside. I thought it was an up-to-date guide of vehicles fuel economy. However, it is based off of the vehicles made that came out in 2012. It has tons of information in it if you have 2012 vehicle. I don't, I have a 1997 dodge 3500 v10. It uses tons of fuel :) but nothing new for me as of right now. I don't have the finances or I would have something more economical, the guide made me want to get an electric car or something along those lines, how neat would that be!

The samples from Obestrim were a nice surprise, I only requested one sample but I got two in the mail! First off Obestrim is a weight loss pill that suppresses your appetite and increases metabolic stimulation. It comes with a pamphlet and a small packet with two pills in it, so I got two packets and four pills! I'm not completely sure how I actually feel about these pills though. I read the pamphlet where it has the FAQ section and one of the questions was "How quickly will I begin to lose weight?" The answer basically says that the pill will make your appetite decrease and then in turn you will lose weight almost immediately because of eating less. I am not sure if this is the best way to lose weight because I know from experience the less you eat the more you will gain due to the fact your body is trying to retain that and it feels as if you are starving yourself, which basically you are, so it attempts to counter act that and balance yourself out, our bodies are weird! :) anyways it gives you information about prices and a detox that you can try as well. The directions are to take one pill a day, in the morning, two hours after breakfast, not on a completely empty stomach and not with caffeinated beverages, energy drinks, or stimulants. I am not sure how I feel about it I think I will have to more information digging on the internet before trying it. I am apprehensive about it but if I take it or know someone who has personally taken it then I will let you all know!

The walking stick from NFB is for those with limited to no vision. I got one because a member of my family has quickly deteriorating vision loss. I loved this website because of the fact they help so many people with this. It is like an operation free cane program. It is amazing and I honor them so much.

The information packet from Mantis it is pretty neat on account they gave me a whole bunch of information. Mantis is a company that makes Tillers and cultivators. Their products have a one year money back guarantee, a five year consumer warranty, and a lifetime warranty. It gives information on what types of tillers they have and what the tillers can do. They can range from plowing, furrowing, cleaning crevices, lawn dethatching, lawn aerating, and border edging. It is amazing how many things one item can do! It also came with a dvd that introduces the new Mantis Deluxe tillers. Another item that came with this is a booklet about soil and the different types there are and how their products can contribute to the different soils. Another piece of information they sent me was their order form that includes their product numbers, names, and prices. They can ship your product but if you live outside of the continuous 48 states you may be subject to an additional shipping charge. Also if you order soon then you can get a no-spill gas can with any Mantis Deluxe purchase!

Well thank you all for reading this and viewing my blog page! I hope each and every one of you are excited about getting to the good stuff! Don't be discouraged if you don't receive anything in the mail for a while some items take a little while to get to you, I actually have filled out information for a freebie that could take up to six months. I know it is a LONG time, but the way I see it is you will probably not expect or forget that you ordered a freebie when you get it! It is like a surprise that you will totally enjoy on top of it, IT'S FREE!

Well I'm off 'till next time! I will have new website links up later on as well as other reviews! Enjoy and I hope you also enjoy THE GOOD STUFF!

I want to thank those who I received freebies and samples from as well:




Fuel Guide:

Thursday, February 23, 2012

This is my mail run from Feb. 21, 2012! Included is pamphlet from Oncimmune out of De Soto, Ks. It is a pamphlet that includes information regarding blood tests and lung cancer and how to prevent or detect it. It is a really informational pamphlet that includes information of where to get a test done, setting up an appointment, ordering a free test, and information on how deadly lung cancer really is. This small pamphlet holds a lot of information!

The other items in the picture are from one company! This information and samples are from Elite Xpressions out of Corpus Christi, Tx. These items came in a USPS Priority Mail Envelope. The items inside were a thank you letter from their company with your name on there, so it is a little bit personalized. Stapled to the back of the paper is an estimate sheet. When filling out the information for this sample you have to include what you are going to use them for if you are to purchase in bulk, like to do a floor or something, you give measurements and what type you would want. I chose 10x50 Diamond Tread .75 Metallic, the special pricing is $2.80 per square feet which includes free shipping it equaled out to around $7000 if I am reading it correctly, I am not completely sure. Anyways also included in this package was a pamphlet that explains G-Floor which is a floor cover or protector that you can roll out in a garage or something of your choosing. It gives you all kinds of information on their products and multiple uses. I really liked the ideas that are on the back of the pamphlet that you can put their product in a kennel for your pets (like a dog run), in your pickup truck bed, inside of a trailer, and inside the back of a hatchback. I wouldn't recommend putting in a horse trailer though I don't know how well it would work, maybe if I could find thicker samples I might be sold! Now to the actual samples. I got two different samples of my choosing, you can see the colors in the picture, they are diamond pattern (also my choosing). These samples are about 4x4 inches and are pretty flexible and absolutely sturdy. They are pretty neat and if I had the finances to do anything with a large quantity of them I am pretty sure I would due to these samples.

I hope you enjoy your samples that you get, and I hope you enjoy these posts! Good luck finding the samples, I will get more links soon as well as information about my mail runs! --> Lung Cancer & Blood Test Info --> Floor Samples

Thank you both for sending me information and samples!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Health and Beauty Samples

Cleaning, Home, and Car

Children and Pets

Fun, Misc, Informational


Food, Drink, Vitamins, Nutrition

I do the work!

Once again welcome to my blog! I wanted to say thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy and find some fantastic fabulous freebies! I wanted to explain how I conduct my freebies blog. I have just really began to collect freebies, samples, coupons, and much more again. I wanted to actually blog about my findings this time and help you all out! When I find freebies I have a tendency to apply for them, thus meaning these freebies I have posted on my site are actually ones that I have done myself. I don't like finding a freebie on other's sites and it result in a code 404 or a no page found error. These freebies, to the best of my ability, unless they have changed within the past week or so, are available. When I receive freebies in the mail I will update with pictures and reviews about what I got. Each mail trip is like a little Christmas in the mailbox, it is fantastic! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do and have fun!

Here is a list of a few websites I have actually found freebies on and signed up for! I know it isn't just a few it is a lot, so I will actually break it up into chunks I hope it helps and I hope you enjoy. Also If you look on my page further down I believe my Facebook URL is attached, if you click on it it will take you to my page and you are more than welcome to "like" the page! It has even more freebies URL's on it as well! Once again thank you and ultimately enjoy!